Android 21

Title: “Unraveling the Enigma: Who Is Android 21?”


In the rich and expansive world of Dragon Ball, Android 21 stands out as a unique and intriguing character. With her complex backstory, exceptional abilities, and mysterious personality, she has captivated fans of the series since her introduction. Let’s delve into the enigmatic world of Android 21 and uncover what makes her a fascinating addition to the Dragon Ball universe.

Who Created Android 21 ?

Android 21, a character in the Dragon Ball universe, was created by the fictional scientist Dr. Gero. Dr. Gero is a prominent antagonist in the Dragon Ball series, known for his role in creating powerful androids and cyborgs with the intent of conquering the world or eliminating Goku, the series’ main protagonist.

Android 21’s creation involved a unique and complex process. Dr. Gero combined the DNA of a female scientist with the cells of various formidable fighters, including Goku, Frieza, and Majin Buu. This fusion of genetic material resulted in the birth of Android 21, imbuing her with a combination of human intellect and extraordinary combat capabilities.

The character Android 21 was first introduced in the video game “Dragon Ball FighterZ” and later made cameo appearances in the manga adaptation of the game. Her origins and the circumstances surrounding her creation are central to her character’s complexity and intrigue within the Dragon Ball universe.


Dual Personality: Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde

One of Android 21’s defining traits is her struggle with a dual personality. She oscillates between her more nurturing and scientific side, represented by her human form, and a ravenous and destructive side that emerges when she’s overtaken by her insatiable hunger—a side effect of her unique biology.

In her human form, Android 21 is a brilliant scientist who seeks to regain control over her base instincts and find a way to coexist peacefully with the Z Fighters. This internal conflict adds depth to her character, as she grapples with her own identity and the consequences of her creation.


Abilities and Powers of Android 21

Android 21 is a formidable adversary in the Dragon Ball universe. Her vast array of abilities includes:

  1. Absorption: Android 21 can absorb other beings, gaining their abilities and increasing her power significantly.

  2. Energy Manipulation: Like many characters in the series, she can harness and manipulate energy for powerful attacks.

  3. Regeneration: Android 21 has remarkable regenerative abilities, allowing her to heal rapidly, even from severe injuries.

  4. Scientific Expertise: Her genius-level intellect and knowledge of bioengineering make her a formidable scientific mind.

  5. Transformation: She has the ability to transform into a more powerful, combat-oriented state.

Impact on the Dragon Ball Universe

Although Android 21’s primary appearance is in the “Dragon Ball FighterZ” video game, her unique character and backstory have resonated with fans. As a result of her entry into the Dragon Ball universe, new plotlines and opportunities have arisen, and she has made cameo appearances in other media, such as the manga adaptation of “Dragon Ball FighterZ.”

Android 21’s complex character and moral struggles provide a fresh perspective on the concept of artificial life in the Dragon Ball universe, making her a memorable addition to the lore.


Android 21’s presence in the Dragon Ball universe brings depth, complexity, and a fresh perspective to the series. Her duality, powers, and intriguing backstory have made her a character worth exploring, and she continues to captivate fans with her enigmatic presence. Whether she remains a one-time video game character or makes further appearances in the wider Dragon Ball canon, Android 21 has left an indelible mark on the franchise, earning her a place in the hearts of fans worldwide.


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